Thursday, December 22, 2016

“Study hard. Get a degree. Find a good job. Live happily ever after.”

“Study hard. Get a degree. Find a good job. Live happily ever after.”

Sounds familiar?

Every year, over 200 000 students graduated from various institutions of higher learning. Shockingly, 1 out of 4 graduates remain unemployed up to 6 months after graduation – with the majority of Degree holders! These graduates make up 35.3% of the unemployed population.
Here’s the harsh truth – being a university graduate will no longer guarantee you a job.
As the number of graduates continued to increase each year, students are facing tough competition in the middle of shaky economy.

My dear SPM leavers, year 2017 is the time for you to set your future. I am emphasizing on furthering your study to the higher institutions. You will definitely receive lots of phone calls, SMS and even offer letters from various higher institutions, particularly from private sectors.
I am writing this post to share you few important points before you choose your college or university. Always put in your mind that the ultimate goal in furthering your study is to be employed in future.
What is purpose of furthering your study but then end up unemployed? Think about the debts and the current economy situation in this country! How are you going to settle those so-called financial funds? Those financial funds (aids) i.e PTPTN, MARA and so on are actually loaned to you. (You may consider yourself lucky if you are sponsored!).
So remember – please choose your major subjects or program carefully. If I were at your shoes, I would choose my major subjects or program that will provide high demand in employment market. Think wisely. Take your time and do some researches before you make your decision.

If you are still unsure to start your decision-making process, I have great news for you! Let us at Borneo Edu Care assist you to find a suitable college or institution to further your study.

We have the direct links with various colleges and institutions that will definitely guaranteed jobs opportunities upon your completion of study. Do not hesitate to give us a call at 0168811985 (Careline Office) or 0109328295 (Mr Eddly Adrian).

We will also assist you to find part time jobs before you proceed to your adventurous and exciting college life! I am sure this will help to lessen your parents’ financial burden in paying the registration fees.

I am excitedly sharing these opportunities because I was once in your position. My time was over – and now it is your turn and don’t worry, Borneo Edu Care is willing to help you!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Malang btl2 tiada bau...

Apa gia yg terjadi?

Sharing ni kali sy mo tulis pki bahasa Sabah. Malang btl2 nda berbau. Lepas satu satu lg... Pa kata pepatah, sudah jatuh ditimpa bulian (sejenis batang pokok besar). Nasib bgs jg la sbb kena satu persatu. Jadi sempat settle 1 prob trus kena lg...

Kami gelar dia "Baby Girl"...
Ni na crita dia, kita mula crita sy la...tu hari bru mo p church bulan 7 2016 tu. Sy terbabas sana bulatan Yayasan Sabah blh2 terlicin sudahlah keta time tu teruk jg la trus kena saman lg (Bilang tu Sarjan memang kena saman ni ah sbb cuai) Sy cuma mampu tersenyum...hee. Syukur jg bapa mentua ada extra 1 lg keta Myvi jadi kena kc pinjam la sementara keta d workshop hee... Lepas end of the month (bulan 7 jg), sy dgn keadaan yg sgt sukar terpaksa bt keputusan untuk berhenti kerja, btl selepas 10 years with that company tertitis jglah airmata. Tpi saya sgt2 bersyukur jglah sebab ada wife sy Marrysia Jreneus, Daddy, Mummy, family, kwn2 saya yg hormati ada disiring sy memberikan sokongan yang sgt positif dan padu.  Nda lama, dari tu Tuhan kc antar 1 org (itulah cara Tuhan bekerja, Dia akan antar seseorang utk mewakili Dia bg pertolongan) org tu bukan sapa2 jg kira mcm adik sy jg tpi status dia skng tinggi la Datin Sri yg sudi menjadi investor sy jg jadi partner in business sy. Ya tidak dilupakan jg my cousin brother yg jadi partner sy turun naik pejabat utk urus tu lesen. Berkat dari Tuhan serta semua org yg sgt bagus tercapailah impian buka syarikat sendiri. Orang bilang kalau kita ikhlas semuanya akan jadi senang dan mantap. Betul tu, within 2 months kmi berjaya bekerjasama dhn pelbagai institusi yg bestnya most them suma yg blh dpt biasiswa, elaun, peluang kerja yg tinggi dan mcm2 lagi la. Trus membolehkan objektif syarikat dapat dikecapi iaitu membantu generasi muda meneruskan pengajian ke peringkat yg lebih tinggi seterusnya ke peringkat pekerjaan ataupun keusahawanan ke arah ekonomi yg lebih baik.

Ni pla kmi gelar c "Baby Boy"
Hebat kan tu "org"...
Lepas sdh ni crita, my wife punya story lg... Bulan ini la jg Oct 2016. Baru2 ni rumah sewa di sana Wangsa Maju kena masuk pencuri sandiii jg la byk brg kena ambil. Syukur jg sbb time tu bini tinggal tmpt kwn nasib dia xda d rumah time tu...blh2 tu tmpt kendadu kena potong rasanya pki gunting besi tu... Kecian jg dia sama kwn satu rumah. Belum lg crita keyboad Korg bini yg selalu pki utk memuliakan Tuhan kena curi di kereta. Nah lepas tu crita yang malam kemarin punya kemarin (Malam Rabu), bini drive blk umah kwn d Damansara time otw tu blh2 kena langgar oleh org yg memang btl2 kurang diajar psl peraturan jln raya. Klu sdh merah berhenti la ba napa mo bt U turn lg. Blind spot ko tu utk kereta yg nerada d kiri arah bertentangan. Menggigil bini syukur dia nda pa2 kereta jak la yg cukup sandiii. Xda org lain jg yg blh dtg tlg time jak 11pm lebih tu kecuali drg c Fredolin, Jacklee sama c Jacqueline. Nasib bini kenal org satu keja yg blh tlg on tow trus antar p workshop. Selebihnya diuruskan oleh insurans jak la. Pa kata filem p.ramlee, Cobaan... Cobaan...

Walau mcmmn sekalipun kmi hadapi dgn tabah. Kmi percaya ini adalah saat kmi mungkin "jatuh" untuk "bangkit" semula... Kmi percaya Tuhan ada disamping kmi utk membantu kami dalam pa jg masalah... Tq suma family, dan kwn2 yg sentiasa ada disisi kami kerana sudi membantu. Kmi sangat hargai. Semoga Tuhan memberkati kita semua, Amen.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The birth of Borneo Edu Care

Time goes on. Borneo Edu Care (best known as BEC) is something that I dreamt about. 

Who we are?

We are identical with other student recruitment agencies. But the huge differences are – we are officially affiliates with qualified colleges and universities that provide lots (yes you read it right, LOTS!) of benefits to the students and they will guide the students step by step towards employability AND entrepreneurship.
(Bear in mind: Being employed is not the end of the career, but it is just the beginning.)
The students then will be trained to think out of the box. Why did you look for a job if you can create a job? Entrepreneurship – that is the word for it! Be an entrepreneur!

Our Two Cents
As we already know, the ultimate goals of study are to gain knowledge and necessary experience as much as we can. These are to prepare the students to be successful in their career.

Therefore, it is crucial to choose the RIGHT program/course to focus on in the colleges and universities. Spend your time to do some research (you may seek help from Uncle ‘Google’) and take a peek on the job market of your chosen program/course. Be aware of the current job market trend!

Working at Company?

My name is Eddly Adrian Arbah. This is the first time me with blog. Heard about this from my friends before who use to share their thoughts via blog. Due to, time constraint I couldn't do it. You know lah working under people kan haha... 

But now, I believe it is good for me to share my thoughts as well. Trust me, this is real lifetime experiences. Let's talk about working at company. I believe there are so many people still working hard for their company. Many people think that by working hard in company will secure their job. I am sorry to say that even how hard you work or how valuable you are in company eventually you may be terminated. Don't judge me wrong yet. Yes, working hard is something that "you really have to work hard and apply yourself and by applying yourself and working hard and being diligent, you can achieve success - Julie Benz". 

Let us put this way, working hard to gain experiences for your career development. Yes! This is of course by the individual effort. At the end of the day, you need to move forward to develop or to be someone that you need to be for yourself, and for your family.